Film Stars Gone Awry: Hollywood Giants Who Share a Love for Chance

Welcome back to another discussion by Recovery Street Film Festival! Today, we take a closer look at some of the people that enjoy both the silver screen and a little something extra. We really enjoyed the feedback from the last article and it inspired us to make this particular discussion for today.

Let’s get started! Here are some Hollywood giants who share for their love for chance. Specifically, games of chance!

Toby Maguire

Most people know this baby-faced man to be the first ever Peter Parker and that naïve young teen from Pleasantville. As it turns out, Mr. Maguire has an avid interest for card games in casinos. To our knowledge, it has been on record that a lawsuit has been charged against him for being part of an illegal gambling group or ring.

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It seems like Mr. Maguire has certain things that he would rather do than be part of Hollywood. People who have played poker with him have claimed that he’s actually pretty good; he’s just a rather sore loser.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is one of the best known actors to date. He has smash hits like Argo and now enjoys the role of Batman. It seems that Mr. Affleck has an affinity for playing poker and even blackjack. He’s even got legitimate wins in certain gambling championships under his belt.

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What we find fascinating about him and his skill for card games is due to the fact that certain casinos he used to frequent asked him to stop playing the games he was good at. It was ridiculous of them to do so, right?

Charlie Sheen

Ah, Mr. Sheen. He was such a bright start in the 80s and 90s. Now, he’s mostly known as the champion of the meme “winning”. According to the legal records of his one time wife, Mr. Sheen use to drop a minimum of $20,000 in casinos per week.

This is quite staggering as at this point, he didn’t have much of a career. Let Mr. Sheen be the example of the bad side of gambling.

Do you know of any other film stars or Hollywood giants who enjoy a game of chance? Let us know!